
Every Tongue Shall Confess

He remains the centerpiece of history…the most powerful force known to mankind. Massive armies have come and gone, powerful political systems have risen and fallen, all-powerful dictators and kings have crumbled to dust – yet all of them combined have never impacted the world as did Jesus Christ the Savior. He continues to change hearts […]

person reading bible

Streams of Truth

Many people attempt to comprehend what God is doing in the world without intimately knowing the God of the Bible. Their minds may be filled with knowledge, yet they cannot understand what they have read because they don’t seek Him diligently through His Word. When a relationship is established, a revelation also grows, as Evangelist […]


5 Things That Will Happen Before Christ Returns

Everywhere we look we find people with concerns about the future. While we live in a world where knowledge is exploding, world events and growing uncertainty about tomorrow entice many who do not know God to pursue extraordinary and unusual means to do evil. Unable to find the answers that only God can give about […]

book of revelations

All About Archangels

The word arch means “chief,” which confirms that there are indeed classes or ranks of angelic beings. The word archangel is used only twice in Scripture. It is not used in the Old Testament, but occurs both times in the New Testament. “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the […]

Building Up The Family of Believers

Our great commission as believers in Jesus Christ is to take the mighty message of the Gospel into all the earth. We are to share it with all nations: “baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matthew 28:19) and teaching them to observe the Lord’s […]