Hebrew text on cloth

The Names and Character of God

As we read the Bible, we see many names that refer to God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

God, the great “I AM” (Exodus 3:14), is referred to by many different names throughout the Bible, each with a specific meaning and application.

For example, they range from “Almighty God” (Genesis 17:1) to “the most High” (Psalm 91:9) to “The Lord of hosts” and “the Holy One of Israel” (Isaiah 54:5) to YAH or YAHWEH (Psalm 68:4).

The name of the Lord Jesus is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Joshua, which means “YAHWEH saves.” And this is exactly what YAHWEH, the Lord God, did for us through the shed blood of His Son, Jesus Christ.

Throughout the pages of Scripture, we also see many other titles and names used for the Lord Jesus – from “the Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6) to “the bread of life” (John 6:48) to “the light of the world” (John 8:12) to “the good shepherd” (John 10:11).

Pray this prayer with your family:

Lord, we call your name great! Your faithfulness reaches the sky. Reveal yourself to our family even now. As a family, we want to know you more Lord. May your name be greatly praised in our home. We honor and reverence you, welcoming the presence of your Holy Spirit. Please fill each room of our house and our hearts today with the beauty of your love. You are the Rock that we stand upon, the High Tower that we run to. We may take physical shelter in a home made of wood, but you are the One we run to for safety, a covering and an eternal dwelling. We will abide in you. We vow today to lift your name high amongst one another and everywhere we go. We want to share the greatness of your name with others. Help us to do it for your glory, in the name above every name, the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

Likewise, the Holy Spirit has a variety of names throughout Scripture. Rightly understood, these names help us know who He really is and what He can do in our lives. They provide tremendous insight into the will, ways and work of the Holy Spirit.

Perhaps the most common name you will hear for the Holy Spirit is exactly that – the Holy Spirit. That is not only His predominant title, but also a power-packed definition of who and what He is. He is Holy – not defiled or common, but possessing all the purity and holiness of God. He is also Spirit – not flesh, as humans are; nor having a physical body, but sharing the very invisible nature and essence of God.

He is also called “The Spirit of God” (Genesis 1:2) associated with power, prophecy and guidance. “The Spirit of the Lord” (Isaiah 59:19). He is the Spirit of the Yahweh we worship, the Spirit of the “I AM,” the Spirit of the Lord of heaven and earth. “The Spirit of the Living God” (2 Corinthians 3:1-6). And “The Power of the Highest” (Luke 1:35). Mary, the mother of Jesus encountered the power of the Highest. Her experience with the Holy Spirit stands out as one of the greatest in Scripture.

This variety of titles is not meant to cause confusion, but to accomplish just the opposite. They are intended to help us understand the experience the countless wonderful aspects of the triune God.

They help reveal His character and His nature – as brilliant, as rich, and as multifaceted as a precious jewel.
