A Glorious Everlasting Covenant

By Benny Hinn

It is because the Holy Ghost is here on earth and by your side that you keep the healing or deliverance you have received. That is why Jesus could return to heaven, and yet you can retain on earth the gift He has given.

If you want to know how to maintain a close relationship with the Holy Spirit, listen to the word of the great prophet Haggai: “According to the word that I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt, so My Spirit remains among you; do not fear” (Hag. 2:5).

When you ask the Son of God to come into your heart, you are making a personal covenant with God. And it’s not a one-way conversation. God also makes an agreement or a “covenant” with you. That’s the way He has always worked.

The Father initiated covenants with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, David, and many others. But just as God has sought to enter into agreements, so has humanity reached out to God. That is what we discover with Jacob, Joshua, Elijah, and the Israelites.

As the Israelites confessed their sins to God, they said:

“Now therefore, our God, The great, the mighty, the awesome God, Who keeps covenant and mercy…we are in great distress” (Neh. 9:32, 37).

Then Nehemiah told the Lord:

“And because of all this, We make a sure covenant, and write it; And our leaders and our Levites and our priests seal it” (v. 38).

It was signed by no fewer than eighty-four leaders who swore to have “entered into a curse and an oath to walk in God’s Law, which was given by Moses the servant of God, and to observe and do all the commandments of the LORD our Lord…” (Neh. 10:29).

Covenants with God were ratified by a variety of acts including standing (Ezra 10:14), loosing the shoe (Ruth 4:7-11), giving a feast (Gen 26:30), erecting a monument (Gen 31:45-53), and taking an oath (Joshua 2:12-14).

Perhaps the most important covenant of all is the one God made to you through His Son when He “brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead…through the blood of the everlasting covenant” (Heb. 13:20).
