Study of the Word

The Word of God leads us into a deeper revelation of our heavenly Father and a greater faith. It is vital that we take time to daily read God’s Word. The Word equips us with knowledge and the power of God to walk in victory.

All the foundations for the final twenty-seven books of the Bible are laid in the first thirty-nine books. The New Testament is the fulfillment of the Old. Each is incomplete without the other.

I’m convinced that it is impossible to fully understand the New Testament truths without a thorough understanding of the Old Testament. The New in the Old is concealed; the Old in the New is revealed! Praise God for the fact that we have both.

Again, allow me say, the Word of God is vital in the life of the believer.

A.W. Tozer spoke of the importance of God’s Word giving us all powerful truth as he said:

“Read it much, read it often, brood over it, think over it, meditate over it – meditate on the Word of God day and night. When you are awake at night, think of a helpful verse. When you get up in the morning, no matter how you feel, think of a verse and make the Word of God the important element in your day. The Holy Ghost wrote the Word, and if you make much of the Word, He will make much of you. It is through the Word that He reveals Himself. Between those covers is a living Book. God wrote it and it is still vital and effective and alive. God is in this Book, the Holy Ghost is in this Book, and if you want to find Him, go into this Book.”

The Psalmist proclaimed, “As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him” (18:30). As you place your trust in God today and fellowship intimately with Him through His Word, your soul with be strengthened and your spirit will be renewed.

The Word of God helps us to enter into deep, rich prayer time with the Master. Jeanne Guyon, seventeenth century French writer, shared of the sweet fellowship that can be experienced with the Lord when we study and read His Word in her book, Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ. Jeanne said, “Praying the Scripture is a unique way of dealing with the Scripture; it involves both reading and prayer.”

She goes on to explain in simple steps how to pray the Scripture: “Turn to the Scripture; choose some passage that is simple and fairly practical. Next, come to the Lord. Come quietly and humbly. There, before Him, read a small portion of the passage of Scripture you have opened to. Be careful as you read. Take in fully, gently and carefully what you are reading. Taste it and digest it as you read. In the past it may have been your habit, while reading to move very quickly from one verse of Scripture to another until you read the whole passage. Perhaps you were seeking to find the main point of the passage. But in coming to the Lord by means of ‘praying the Scripture,’ you do not read quickly; you ready very slowly. You do not move from one passage to another, not until you have sensed the very heart of what you have read. Praying the Scripture is not judged by how much you read but by the way in which you read.”

A mighty blessing will come upon your life today as you read, study, pray and live according to the Word of God. Take time to meditate upon God and the wealth of truth in His Word today.

©2008 Benny Hinn Ministries. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the prior written consent of the publisher.
