God’s Seven Covenants


Pastor Benny begins with a teaching on the three dimensions of the anointing, including the anointing for salvation, the priestly anointing for ministry, and the kingly anointing for dominion. Building on that firm foundation, he moves into the seven covenants of the Bible, pointing to the fact that every covenant has promises, terms, blood, and a seal. These include:

  • Adamic Covenant
  • Noahic Covenant
  • Abrahamic Covenant
  • Mosaic Covenant
  • Davidic Covenant
  • New Covenant
  • Everlasting Covenant

In over 16 hours of lecture material, Pastor Benny moves from the foundations of the anointing and covenants into the prophetic benefits, including the four realms of prophecy:

  • Prophecy in Scripture
  • The Spirit of prophecy
  • The Gift of prophecy
  • The Office of prophet

We are just beginning to see what God has in store for His people, and that is just a foretaste of the days to come as more and more believers get hungry and thirsty for all that God has for them!

“When you move into the anointing, covenants, and prophetic realms that God desires for you, the anointing is going to drip off your life everywhere you go. Out of your belly shall flow rivers of living waters. But you cannot be trusted with this dimension if you are not faithful in your current dimension and walk. The kingly anointing is an everlasting and permanent anointing, and a demand is placed upon your life for you to move to this higher plateau in the Spirit. This is God’s highest will for your life! I believe we are just starting to see what God has in store for His people, and that is just a foretaste of the days to come as more and more believers get hungry and thirsty for all that God has for them!”

Enroll Today For A Revealing Teaching on the Anointing, Covenants, and Prophecy!


This course includes over 16 hours of teaching plus several additional related videos lessons, audio lessons and related articles from our Your Life e-Magazine, e-book library, resource library and Daily Manna.

  • Lesson 1 —   1:00
  • Lesson 2 —   1:06:42
  • Lesson 3 —   1:11:23
  • Lesson 4 —   1:11:47
  • Lesson 5 —   1:16:28
  • Lesson 6  —   1:37:13
  • Lesson 7 —   54:37
  • Lesson 8 —   1:30:59
  • Lesson 9 —   1:11:49
  • Lesson 10 —   58:38
  • Lesson 11 —  1:08:07
  • Lesson 12 —  1:09:23
  • Lesson 13 —  1:10:56
  • Lesson 14 —  1:01   

These teachings are in HD and mobile friendly formats.


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